We’ve Reached the Finals!

Thank You for All Our Muddy Stilettos Award Votes!

We wanted to say a huge thank you to all our amazing clients and friends who have been voting for Collections Hair Club in the Muddy Stilettos Awards 2024. We're on the home stretch and need those last votes...

We're thrilled to announce that we've reached the Regional Finals in the category of Best Hair Salon! We couldn't have done it without all our loyal clients who've been making their votes count. We are so grateful to each and every person who took the time to vote for us. 

As we get to the final stages, every vote matters and we'd love to if you could keep sharing the love. Final votes start from new, so we really need your help. 

You can vote for us here.

We absolutely love working our hair magic and work hard to bring our clients the best service in Surrey. Winning this would mean everything to our dedicated team. Voting ends on Thursday 18th April at 1pm and winners will be announced on Thursday 2nd May.

Cross your fingers for us, and please vote if you love what we do!